A mother pig confined in barren cage.

Ask for the Government’s response to the labelling consultation

Email the DEFRA secretary of state 

Shockingly, there are no requirements for labels to state how animals farmed for meat and dairy are kept. Misleading terms such as ‘farm fresh’ or even ‘higher welfare’ can be applied to products from animals that have been intensively farmed indoors their entire lives, subjected to routine mutilations, or confined in narrow cages.

Please ask the Government to publish their response to the "fairer food labelling" consultation and set out the next steps to make labelling on meat products much clearer, so that customers like you can make an informed choice.

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Act now for honest labelling


Mandatory method of production labelling could benefit millions of farmed animals every year. Please ask the Government to publish their response to the "fairer food labelling" consultation. 

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