Many laying hens tightly crammed together with some missing feathers.

End the Cage Age for millions of UK hens

Email the new secretary of state

Please email Steve Reed, the new Secretary of State, and ask him to publish the existing consultation to phase out cages for egg laying hens. 

It takes less than 2 minutes to help make UK hens 100% cage-free.

Sign now

Tell your friends

Do your friends know that around 8 million egg laying hens in the UK are still confined in cruel cages? If they want UK hens to be 100% cage-free, they might also want to email the new Secretary of State for Defra. 

Email Steve Reed Now


All you need to do is complete this short email asking the new Defra Secretary of State to publish a long-overdue consultation, introduce a ban on new cage systems and phase out all cage systems for egg laying hens. 

On the next page you can review and edit your email.

Animal Equality